Thursday, August 14, 2008


My parents have lived in the same building till now since the time I was born. We had some very good neighbors. The closest we were to was a Christian family (lets call them C). They had kids pretty late, so Mrs. C pampered me a lot like her own. Then she had a little boy and I adored the boy. She also had a little girl a few years later - Miss.C. I loved both the kids a lot! Our families were pretty close. We shared sweets for Christmas and Diwali, were invited over for parties. I have even travelled with Mrs. C to nearby towns when she went to visit her mom.
When her little girl was born, I was very excited. I even suggested a nice name for her. They named her something very similar to what I had suggested, so I was happy. I was just 8 at the time. I attended lil Miss. C's christening ceremony at the St. Xavier's church. I knew they were Christians and that I am a Hindu. But my parents never spoke anything about our religious differences.
I was very attached to Little Miss. C. I brought her everyday after school to my place. I played with her for hours. Whenever I heard her cry, I would rush to their place and bring her back to mine. When she was about 3 years old, I took her out almost every evening. We went to the market, to my friend's place, to the garden. Then one day, I took her to the nearby temple.
As usual the following day, I went to her place to pick her up. As we were leaving, Little Miss. C said to me " I cannot go to the temple with you". I was confused, "Why?" I asked. What she said next hurt me to the core. Something that I cannot forget all my life. Something that I wasn't prepared for. Something that I wasn't taught.

"My mommy says, THAT is not MY God, THAT is YOUR God".


Reflections said...

I dont knw what to say...parents who teach these things to small children shd be whipped....seriously:-|.

Priyanka said...

Reflections: I agree with you a 100%

Indian Home Maker said...

Sad. This is such a wrong thing to teach your children! Now I am wondering if any of my Christian friends would react like this ... two are married to Hindus, and both the faiths are followed at their homes ...
Priyanka, you know who the losers are in such thinking? The kids who are taught this. They will be disliked, and grow up like koop manduks. I am shocked.